Elite athletes, and top performers in many fields utilize performance coaches to gain an edge.
Many traders experience a ‘performance gap’, the difference between what they want to do versus what they actually do. The performance gap exists because we’re executing under pressure; simultaneously facing uncertainty, risk, and opportunity.
We aren’t simply trading what we see on the screen, we’re also trading our own Inner Market (IM). Our IM is composed of well-known common cognitive biases (e.g. hindsight bias, confirmation bias, etc) and our own unique personal beliefs, expectations, emotions, and memories – conscious and subconscious.
From his own experience in trading, chronicled in the book, “How The World’s Most Successful Traders Make Their Living In The Market”, and working with top traders, Andrew has learned what it takes to succeed and maintain success in trading.
Andrew has developed a model of coaching designed to close the performance gap.

Achieving and sustaining peak performance is not simply about willpower. You’ve already tried that. Elite performers focus on integrated development (ID) to maximize performance.
To change how we perform, what we ‘do’, we need to change how we think. Cutting edge neuroscience shows our thinking is influenced by our feelings, and our feelings in turn are influenced by our overall emotional state. And the research also shows our emotional state is influenced by our physiological state. We can manage our physiological state by getting good sleep, nutrition, fitness, and biofeedback training.
Elite athletes, highly trained and experienced in what to “do”, perform better when they also attend to the other levels – how they think, how they feel, and their emotional state. Elite performers focus on Integrated Development (ID) to maximize performance.
The old thinking in trading psychology was about eliminating emotion. But evidence from modern neuroscience shows this is not possible. We don’t even need modern neuroscience to show that our feelings and emotional state influences our thinking, and what we ‘do’. The proof often appears in our own trading; we ‘know’ what we’re supposed to do but end up doing something different. With the right training, our feelings and emotions become a tool, not a weakness or obstacle to overcome.
Understanding our own Inner Market (IM) and how we respond to it, and focusing on Integrated Development (ID) increases resilience, emotional agility and confidence, and also improves our capacity to see new opportunities, nurture creativity, and recognize our own intuition. (Andrew sees this in his work with very successful traders.)
Andrew’s training and experience gives him an edge to facilitate Integrated Development (ID) and assist you in changing your response to uncertainty, risk, and opportunity, giving you chance to achieve and sustain peak performance.
Andrew’s coaching process helps you close the performance gap, helping you become your own best edge.
Contact Andrew for a consultation.