Unconventional Indicator Predicts Move?
popdoc2011-11-30T10:15:49+00:00Sometimes I wonder if I should create an email indicator for my trading, or maybe I already have one. You may have heard the old adage that the market does
Sometimes I wonder if I should create an email indicator for my trading, or maybe I already have one. You may have heard the old adage that the market does
I’m going to show how watching people get slapped on Reality TV can be a trading lesson. Recently someone was telling me about one of those TV shows where a
Obviously, you need an edge with your trading methodology or you’re not going to make it. If you haven’t back-tested it or cannot articulate it, you may not have one.
(I originally wrote this for the SMB Capital guest blog ) Being very aware of what you’re thinking and feeling is a critical component of self-management. And self-management has a
What’s really holding you back? You need to be honest with yourself when answering that question. In answering the above question, I suggest you consider the following: As a trader
Most traders realize that trading involves a lot of psychology. And most traders readily admit that a significant portion of their trading losses, or lack of performance, is due to
What does it mean to be objective when looking at the market? No matter how smart you are, what you see in the market (or are willing to see)
I haven’t been trading this week due to computer problems and the need to catch up with clients while I prepare to leave on a 2-week vacation early Friday morning.
How much money can I make? Many independent traders come to trading with preconceived ideas about how much money they can make (I’m sure all the ads promising you can
We seek immediate comfort and try to avoid things that may bring immediate discomfort. Understand this basic principle that guides much of our thinking and behavior. Trading involves discomfort