What does it mean to be objective when looking at the market?  No matter how smart you are, what you see in the market (or are willing to see) is a function of your own personal filter. We all see the market through a personal lens. This lens is constructed of beliefs, hopes, fears, etc.  

In essence, what you see in the market depends to a large extent on what you’re looking for.  And by extension, the degree of frustration you feel is directly proportional to the degree that you were attached to a particular scenario.

Over the weekend I returned from a 2-week vacation in France, and while I was away the market has made some huge moves.  While away I didn’t look at charts at all, which was very re-freshing. I was tempted to take a peek, but only had my iPad with me. Although we can never be truly objective about the market due to our personal filter, taking a break from the market can do wonders for your market perception. I highly recommend it!