This post was inspired by another blog here

Specifically, the line that caught my attention the most in that post was:

“It is not possible to reduce trading decisions to a simple set of rules or patterns to be applied blindly.”

I couldn’t agree more with that statement. Its such an important concept and yet it eludes most traders. Of course, we need rules for risk management, such rules are necessary to stay in the game long enough.  We may also need rules for self-management. But rules applied to market behavior, I would say even applying rules to set-ups mechanistically, defeats an important objective for a discretionary trader – to get as close to the market as possible so one can read it. Being a discretionary trader means you have to make decisions, use your judgement.

Although I don’t use oscillators and such in in my own trading, and I’m sure this post will be interpreted as bashing indicators, that’s not my objective.  My objective is to force you to consider why you rely on them.

Indicators such as oscillators are derivatives of time, price, volume.  In other words they tend to take one further away from what’s really going on in the market – which is order flow. The problem is not the indicator per se, the issue is that traders tend to focus on mechanistic market rules as an attempt to understand the market. And if your focus is on the rules, it takes you away from reading the market. You can’t really read the market if you’re busy reading rules. The reason? Its harder to develop your own feel for the market if you rely on rigid rules to tell you what to do.

The market has no rules. We all like to think we know this. But if you are relying on rigid market rules, you are not really comfortable with the idea that the market has no rules. Be honest with yourself.