I’m not writing this just because it is Thanksgiving time.  I’m writing this because I’m very thankful for having an amazing year, both in my trading and in my coaching. And I know that a state of thankfulness, gratitude, or appreciation is one of the keys for me in my own trading, and it’s become a key for many of my clients.  (Empirical research, including brain imaging, shows beneficial changes in the brain).


I’m thankful for the opportunity to trade. The market has provided many opportunities to profit this year, I may have missed a lot of them, but I got on a lot of them too. 


I’m also very thankful for my coaching practice. I’m quite sure that it helps my own trading, and vice versa. I see how other traders struggle and guide them them through the quagmire sitting at the intersection of the market and their own inner market, the one we actually trade.


I’ve been receiving emails of thank-yous from clients this week….here’s an excerpt from an email from my client Bob Scalese two days ago:


Appreciate it Andrew, and yes I am pleased with the next level I am achieving.


If you are not pleased with your trading, stop complaining and do something about it.  Is the issue, you? If it is, how will more research, new screening filters, better charts, a new chat room, etc, help with that?

If you have the opportunity to trade, be thankful for the opportunity, and try to make the most of the opportunity.